Friday, May 20, 2011

Baby Pants, Baby Legwarmer, Baby Mitts....Theme?

Hello all!  I'm so so so so happy to have opened my box of inspiration again this week!  My brother Daniel's girlfriend, Allison, has been here visiting and she has inspired me to start knitting again!  I know, you wonder; she hasn't been knitting?  Well, no, I haven't.  I haven't knit, I haven't blogged, I haven't cleaned (much).  I've been otherwise engaged growing the lungs, heart, kidneys, and bones of our new baby!  Yup, I'm pregnant again!  We are overjoyed and Oliver is very excited about the baby in Mommy's belly.

But, as the morning sickness (or afternoon sickness in my case) slowly begins to recede, the knitting needles have found their way out again and I've started knitting baby things.  Baby legwarmers which got me started.  These are all knit super quick with a simple rib at the bottom and top and your basic stockinette all the way up.  Easy and fast!

Then I found a pattern for legwarmers and little fingerless mitts that I just had to have.  You can find that here.  I'm loving making my first ever pair of mitts and enjoying the fact that they are teeny tiny (e.g., they knit up fast!).  Sorry, when it came time to take the pics, the mitt was nowhere to be found.  Hmmm, methinks that pregnancy head strikes again.

And last, but not least, during this unbelievably rainy week of inspiration, I've started knitting wool diaper covers for the new babe.  For those that don't know, when you cloth diaper, one of the ways to keep the stuff from leaking out and getting on you is to use wool covers.  And one of the nicest ways to do that, is to make (or buy) wool pants.  Then you have adorable pants that are doubly functional!  Here's Oliver in some longies I made for him out of upcycled sweaters.

I scoured the internet for longie patterns and finally settled on this one that I found on Ravelry.  I LOVE this pattern!  Short rows and strategic increases make for a nice puffy butt that will fit perfectly over a little cloth diapered hiney!  She also gives lots of options and directions for different cuff styles and a cotton version for those that want the look but don't cloth diaper, or for babies that can't wear wool.  I'm going to raid my stash this morning for some more wool to start a second pair once Miss Allison wakes up.

Happy Fridaying folkses!  Have a great weekend, and if you have a moment, go check out the other artistes at Wisdom Begins in Wonder's Fiber Arts Friday!


  1. What cute items. Congrats on your pregnancy and I hope all goes well.

    I'm currently making Jammies by Sorry, I don't know how to make a link in a reply.

    I've just have a little bit left to knit on one sleeve and then can start on the bottoms. Nope, not pregnant here, just making a sample for the yarn store where I work.

    Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

  2. Congratulations! That's wonderful news!

    You described "puffy butt" perfectly ... AKA "bubble butt!" The effect of enormous cloth diapers on a little baby.

  3. Congrats! I love the idea of knitting baby things, they're so small, but alas I have no pregnant people in my life ;) I love the idea of the little legwarmers

  4. Congrats! What a wonderful gift to make items that you can use daily for your own baby. I wish I had been knitting when my kids were born. Having actually usable knitted items and not just those that only get worn once is even better.

    Happy Fiber Arts Friday!
